Business Etiquette / Gen Z / Generation X / Generation Y / Sell Yourself


3 t-3Some people find standing up and speaking publicly a natural part of their day, others just couldn’t think of anything worse. I have 3 things to remember when giving a presentation that I know can help you.

1. Identify your Anxieties
  • Speaking publicly probably isn’t what’s making you afraid. Normally it’s something else: fear of criticism, rejection, forgetting or the unknown. Maybe you even have post-traumatic stress from a past speech gone wrong.
  • All of these issues generally center around one idea: I’m afraid, I can’t handle failing at this presentation. Once you see what you’re truly afraid of, and that you’ll survive even if you mess up, the fear can subside.
  • Focus on how you need to be in order to execute an outstanding presentation. Start by being confident.
2. Keep it short
  • Believe in your ability to tell an effective story with a powerful, knock-out punch line. Your audience will appreciate brevity.
  • I often speak publicly, and when I do, I also get to listen to other presenters. The most memorable are the ones that hit an emotional chord with a tight story and a punch line. No fluff. Keep it creative and concise.
  • Greatness exists in quality, not quantity.
3. Embrace the Unknown
  • Prepare for excellence, but acknowledge that even if you practice, surprises can happen. You may have to stand in last-minute for a partner or boss with no time to get ready. Anything is possible.
  • The good news is that your audience wants you to finish the speech. Some came to your event just to hear your presentation.
  • Instead of fearing the unknown — all the bad that can happen — realise that good things can surprise you as well. Talk to your audience. Opportunities can arise when you listen to their concerns that can lead the presentation toward a better outcome than you planned.
  • Winners — athletes and speakers — prepare beforehand, but they also grasp opportunity when it appears.

If all of this has got you thinking, maybe there’s more that I can help you with. Explore for yourself.